Predicate {isotamar~

Frameset: f1 "to last / duration"

   ARG1: thing that lasts
   ARG2: period of time


 (S (and |wa- | وَ-)
  (VP (continue/last_+it/they/she |-{isotamar~at | -اِسْتَمَرَّت)
      (NP-SBJ (the+visit |Alz~iyArapu | الزِّيارَةُ))
      (NP-OBJ (roughly/approximately |zuhA'a | زُهاءَ)
	      (NUM 90)
	      (minute |daqiyqapF | دَقِيقَةً))) 

وَ- -اِسْتَمَرَّت الزِّيارَةُ زُهاءَ 90 دَقِيقَةً 

ARG1: Alz~iyArapu
Gloss: the visit
ARG2: zuhA'a 90 daqiyqapF
Gloss: roughly 90 minutes
REL:  {isotamar~

Frameset: f2 "to persist / continue"

   ARG1: thing continuing, persisting


 (S (VP (continue/last_+it/they/she |-{isotamar~at | -اِسْتَمَرَّت)
      (NP-SBJ (the+competition/rivalry |AlmunAfasapu | المُنافَسَةُ))
      (NP-ADV (three-part/trio/corner_ |vulAviy~apF | ثُلاثِيَّةً))
      (PP-LOC (between/among |bayona | بَيْنَ)
	      (NP (Budapest |buwdAbisot | بُودابِسْت)
		  (and |wa- | وَ-)
		  (Berlin |-baroliyn | -بَرْلِين)
		  (and |wa- | وَ-)
		  (Helsinki |-hilosinkiy | -هِلْسِنكِي))))) 

-اِسْتَمَرَّت المُنافَسَةُ ثُلاثِيَّةً بَيْنَ بُودابِسْت وَ- -بَرْلِين وَ- -هِلْسِنكِي 

ARG1: AlmunAfasapu
Gloss: the competition
ARGM-ADV: vulAviy~apF
Gloss: trio
ARGM-LOC: bayona buwdAbisot wa- -baroliyn wa- -hilosinkiy
Gloss: between Budapest and Berlin and Helsinki
REL:  {isotamar~